
American Legion Clifton Post 421


American Legion Clifton Post 421 – Hall Rentals for 2024


DAY                  # of PEOPLE                HOURS            DEPOSIT            PRICE
Mon - Thurs.      100 - 250                       5                  $150.00             $350.00
Friday                 100 - 250                        5                 $150.00            $500.00
Saturday             100 - 250                       5                 $150.00            $500.00
Sunday               100 - 250                        5                 $150.00            $350.00
* Set-up & Clean - Additional $150.00  * ($100.00 discount for 421 members longer than 1 year) * $85.00 Per Bartender (Renter pays bartender)


SMALL HALL RENTAL * ​(Up to 50 people)
DAY                  # of PEOPLE                HOURS           DEPOSIT             PRICE
Mon - Thurs.       Up to 50                       5                  $150.00              $150.00
Friday                  Up to 50                       5                  $150.00              $250.00
Saturday             Up to 50                       5                  $150.00              $250.00
Sunday                Up to 50                       5                  $150.00              $150.00
* Set-up & Clean - Additional $50.00 *  $85.00 Bartender. (Renter pays bartender)* ( $50.00 discount for 421 members longer than 1 year)

Current Clifton Post 421 Members                                                                 FREE


PARKING LOT ATTENDANT                                                                     $85.00
   (For the duration of the event)


Must have ½ hour prior to event and a ½ hour after the end of event          $40.00/hr. 4 hr minimum

•  If the party is coming in the night before to set-up, they must pay the rental fees for the hours they are in the Hall, as the Hall will not be available to rent at that time.
•  NO outside alcohol may be brought onto the Premises.  Pop, Juice, Water., etc. is acceptable.
•  Current American Legion Clifton Post 421 members receive $100.00 discount off the LARGE HALL rental and a $25.00 discount off the SMALL HALL rental.  MEMBERSHIP MUST BE IN EFFECT 365 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EVENT.


•  Special orders of beer, wine and liquor are subject to change according to the prices of alcohol at the time of the request.
•  All alcohol must be ordered NO LATER THAN THE FRIDAY (1 full week) before the event.
•  Cost of any untapped keg will be returned to the customer.
•  The total is added up and an 8.0% sales tax is added.
•  There must be a charge of $85.00 added to the contract for an extra bartender, plus the cost of beverages.